Story of Sakshi Varma

Sakshi’s story shines as a beacon of hope for those facing difficulties, showing that with perseverance and the right resources, it’s possible to rewrite one’s destiny.

20 years old Sakshi Varma’s journey from her village to dynamic customer service support is a  testament to the transformative power of life and employability skills with opportunity.

Sakshi Varma family hails from her village to Hyderabad for daily wage work the income they reaped was still insufficient meeting  their basic needs was a constant struggle for family. Determine to help her family secure financial stability and improve their standards of leaving.

Facing a lot of struggles  in family and studies, she was clueless about the future. On the recommendation of a friend Sakshi Varma joined Bright Future. Her journey unfolded with determination and a thirst for skills bright future was a turning point in her life. It is where she found the support and guidance.

During the course the exposure visit was an eye opener. It showed me the reality and helped me understand the retail sector.

Guidance of Bright future Sakshi faced her first interview at Darpan Furniture’s and emerged victories in the first round. Today she stands in a retail sector and she is  earning  a monthly income of 21,000 INR.

Sakshi Varma’s story shines as a beacon of hope, echoing the sentiment that with right support anyone can re-write their destiny.

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