Because even a small fraction of your contribution adds a great value in the lives of many individuals! In our 13+ years of creating a positive change amongst young people from marginalized communities, your benefactions have made a huge impact in achieving our goals of educating and enabling livelihood for those who need it the most.
“Every donation can change a young person’s life. By donating today, your help provide opportunities for education, empowerment, and a brighter future. Your support makes all the difference.”
Office No 601 & 602, 6th Floor,
Origin 108, Kumbhar Wada Bhakti Bhavan, Sindhi Society, Chembur East, Mumbai – 400071.
Bright Future is a project of New Resolution India which is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered in 2009 under Public Trust Act, 1950 Registration No. E 26080 (Mumbai), under Section 80(G) of the Income Tax Exemption Act, 1961 and Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (Registration no. 083781420)
Head Quarters
Office No 601 & 602, 6th Floor,
Origin 108, Kumbhar Wada Bhakti Bhavan, Sindhi Society, Chembur East, Mumbai – 400071.
Bright Future is a project of New Resolution India which is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered in 2009 under Public Trust Act, 1950 Registration No. E 26080 (Mumbai), under Section 80(G) of the Income Tax Exemption Act, 1961 and Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (Registration no. 083781420)